Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Next Millionaires In Home Based Business

Over the next decade, we are going to see the highest number of millionaires created in such a short timeframe. This millionaire trend is very real and attributable primarily to the growth in the number of people building a home based business. How can you ride this lucrative wave and leverage this opportunity to build your millionaire business?

According to Forbes, over 79 million people in North America alone will start a home based business over the next five years. Couple this statistic with the fact that over ten million millionaires (yes, 10 million of them!) will be created over the next 10 years, and you have at your fingertips an excellent potential to be a millionaire, or even a multi-millionaire. So the big question is how do you accomplish this?

Quite simple, really. But there is one very important caveat, which is that first, you have to actually want to be a millionaire. If you have the sincere and strong desire to become a millionaire, and you absolutely, positively know that you will wholeheartedly commit to your goals, then you are already qualified to be a millionaire. The only missing ingredient to your success story is having the right business model, training and support to be one of "The Next Millionaires."

The first thing I would recommend you do is pick up a copy of Paul Zane Pilzer's book, "The Next Millionaires." If you aren't familiar with Pilzer, he is the author of five best-selling books, Economic Advisor to two U.S. Presidents, and world-class predictor of global economic trends. In his book, Pilzer explains how the 21st century is the Age of the Entrepreneur and how you can claim your stake to being one of these next millionaires, especially if you're leveraging a legitimate direct sales home based business model. Anyone can do it, but only with the proper millionaire mindset and belief that it can actually be done.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daily Affirmations For Improved Results

Do you sometimes feel like you're strolling through life without paying much attention to what you really want to accomplish? Perhaps you've been striving for something and have yet to realize it? Having goals is one thing. Having the power to guarantee yourself the results you seek is an entirely different matter. And this is where daily affirmations come in.

For centuries, daily affirmations have been utilized by so many people to get what they want out of life. It's a technique that has been conclusively confirmed by doctors, scientists, and successful people all over the world. "An affirmation is the declaration that something is true" (source: Wikipedia).

The simple act of giving yourself 10-15 minutes at the start and/or end of each day to affirm to yourself that something is actually true has an amazing effect on conditioning your mind to think in a certain way. This is essentially the effect of "autosuggestion," which is sort of a form of hypnosis, or hypnotherapy. I'm sure you've heard of the saying that goes something like, "if you tell someone something enough times, they'll believe it to be true." So by making this "someone" YOU, you're effectively conditioning yourself to believe that something is true.

I spend a few minutes every day focusing on my affirmations. This is a great way to clear my mind, relax, breath easy, and paint pictures of who I am, what I want, where I'm heading... And it's not the same picture every day. One day I'll envision myself spending 4 weeks sailing the Mediterranean with 8 of my closest friends. The next time I'll envision myself having all the resources available to take care of my parents in their old age. The next day I'm imagining how my next business venture is going to be successful, profitable, and will help hundreds, if not thousands of other people in the process. And I find that the more focused and relaxed during my daily affirmations, the more likely I am to fully transform these thoughts into reality... They become truths in your life.

Go ahead, try it - it really works! It's so simply, yet so amazingly powerful.

For more insight into the time-tested power of daily affirmations, you might want to run a quick Google search for "daily affirmations" or "autosuggestion."

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Middle Class Is Shrinking: Why Is Robert Kiyosaki Smiling?

Robert Kiyosaki is king when it comes to offering rock-solid, fundamental wealth creation education and guidance. With our middle class shrinking so rapidly, why is he so happy? And how will this middle class trend impact you?

If you've read any of Kiyosaki's books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "Why We Want You To Be Rich" (co-authored with Donald Trump), or attended any of his training seminars, then you're no stranger to the fact that we are currently facing a huge dilemma in this country (in fact, all around the world).

And it WILL impact each and every one of us (yes, you and me included).

So What's The Big Debacle And How Will It Impact You?

The main problem we're facing as a society as a whole is the inevitable result of the tremendous trend toward the virtual elimination of the middle class. Think about this for a minute. The middle class is shrinking so quickly that we're quickly moving closer to having the population split between:

(1) The Ultra Wealthy, and

(2) The Really Poor.

Kiyosaki has brilliantly brought these issues to the forefront of kitchen-table conversations all over the world. He has even gone as far as creating fun, educational board games to teach kids and adults how to escape "The Rat Race" and build true sustainable wealth.

So What Does This Mean To You?

Well, if you do as I did, if you look closely and carefully examine what Robert Kiyosaki has essentially done, you'll notice that he's done something so brilliant, so philanthropic, and so genius.

Kiyosaki Implemented His Vision:

(1) Educate as many people as possible on a simple process to get out of debt, develop some income-bearing assets, focus on developing multiple streams of income, and master the concept of financial leverage.

(2) Move away from being an employee and a self-employed, to becoming a business owner and an investor.

If you have been giving any serious thought to these fundamental concepts, and you haven't yet taken action to change your life, well, quite frankly, you're not only hurting yourself, but you're also hurting people all around you.

Just imagine how great you would feel waking up every day, not to an obnoxious alarm clock, but awakening purely on excitement, motivation, and phenomenal levels of energy. You get out of bed superbly enlightened, feeling great because you're independently wealthy and best of all, you have the free time to help others to live life more intelligently.

Yes, the middle class is shrinking, but the core essence of what Kiyosaki is teaching us is that ultimately, you have a choice of laying back and letting life lead you, or stepping up and controlling your own financial future.

So to answer the question I posed to you in the title of this short article, I would imagine that Robert Kiyosaki is smiling because he's fortunate enough to already be enlightened AND to already have taken action on his vision. He's probably also smiling because he has a wonderful wife, multiple multi-million dollar enterprises, and a vast network of income-producing assets. Why shouldn't he be smiling?

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My Top 12 Money and Finance Quotes

Great quotes that have made me contemplate the true meaning behind them, especially when you consider who they're quoted from. Enjoy!

"In most cases, when people make more money, they get deeper in debt. This is why money alone does not make you rich."
-- Robert Kiyosaki

"If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting."
-- Benjamin Franklin

"In all realms of life, it takes courage to stretch your limits, express your power and fulfill your potential. It's no different in the financial realm."
-- Suze Orman

"Quick riches are more dangerous than poverty."
-- Napolean Hill

"If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed."
-- Author Unknown

"If you must work for money, find a way to work and be happy. That is financial intelligence."
-- Robert Kiyosaki

"Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems, so that it's not just the rich kids that learn about money, it's all of us."
-- David Bach

"The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket."
-- Kim Hubbard

"Buy land. They ain't making any more of the stuff."
-- Will Rogers

"Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q. once you're above the level of twenty-five. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing."
-- Warren Buffet

"People with low financial literacy standards are often unable to take their ideas and create assets out of them."
-- Robert Kiyosaki

"Once I began following my own instincts, sales took off and I became a millionaire. And that, I think, is a key secret to every person's success, be they male or female, banker or p*rnographer: Trust in your gut."
-- Larry Flint

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